Healing Paws Animal Therapy

Super Dog Max - Professional Therapy Dog & Actor – Non Profit

Max and Ruby Love To Swing (Click Here)

Max and Ruby Love To Swing (Click Here)

I am a REAL dog. There were NO wires, harnesses, equipment involved to hold me in place. To my fans, please understand that there are several people/companies that try to take credit for my grooming, training, who the breeder was, marketing, website design and so many other things. Please, if you have any questions feel free to ask. I firmly believe there is no such question as a dumb one, just the one that was NOT asked. Leave no room for doubt, just click on my “contact” on the top of web site, fill out the form & you will receive a response within 48 hours or when I get in from walking my owner.

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Site and content owned by Carl Gordon